Tuesday, January 13, 2009 What reactions after St-Lo?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 What reactions after St-Lo? "The press is skeptical about Sarkozy’s ability to reform," wrote the New Obs.fr in a press review. Nicolas Sarkozy’s announcements on education and youth have left unsatisfied editorialists of the regional press and national wondering if "the aura of Martin Hirsch" will be enough to "pass the Darcos pill to a disoriented youth ". Good title of the editorial of the Educational Cafe concludes about this speech, "vows, but no Christmas bonus …" To provide ideas on government action, the World offers an interview with Martin Hirsch, new high -Commissioner for active solidarity against poverty and youth. He says "My mission is not to treat youth as a problem" The questions which it seem relevant. "How to avoid learning breaks What help bring in income, consistent with the need to? Weiterlesen

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